Release notes
Version: Web Manuals EFB - 1.2.0
Release date: 2024.04.24
Highlights this release:
- Search completely rebuilt
- Amelia AI search introduction
- Improved Sidebar
- Better form capabilities
- Better PDF capabilities
- Font scaling
- Reader sidebar in landscape will no longer overlap the page content - WMEFB-242
- Login view - Background images stretch correctly - WMEFB-391
Manuals repackaged with Force update will show up as unread correctly in the app - WMEFB-466
- Uploading an image within a form from the camera will no longer reset the entire form - WMEFB-395
- Fixed the PDF page indexing that caused the app to crash - WMEFB-418
- Announcement manual now opens correctly - WMEFB-430
- Form will not go blank after switching between tabs - WMEFB-448
- Fixed the search so it redirects users to the selected page with the searched world - WMEFB-452
- Unread file documents are checked out when opened externally - WMEFB-468
- Using LDAP will now load correctly - WMEFB-469
- Fix removing a document from My Documents will correctly remove it from the list - WMEFB-470
- Added the possibility to login using LDAP - WMEFB-471
- Uploaded LEP signature will show in the List of Effective Pages - WMEFB-277
Font in can now be scaled in the App, allowing for a user customized UI size - WMEFB-375
- Replaced weblike routing - WMEFB-377
Search has had a complete overhaul, we kept the old features but also added search history, automated tags, much better performance, online search and our first branch on the AI tree, Amelia AI search. - WMEFB-380
- My Documents - Add favorited pages with associated document - WMEFB-434
- Readers - add search view to the side panel - WMEFB-436
Changed the tags view. Tags will now only show the content of a selected tag from the dashboard. - WMEFB-438
- Redesign demo button on customer view - WMEFB-457
- MDM configuration: Be able to set the full domain WMEFB-459
- MDM configuration: Added the possibility to turn off "Try Demo button"- WMEFB-460