Process for Audits using the IQSMS Connector
Hi there,
For those out there using the WM-IQSMS connector, I'm trying to work out a process that assigns responsibilities and covers the auditing phase. A few topics that I'd appreciate somebody can shed some light on:
- Who is reponsible for making compliance connections in your organisation? A specific group of people, or each editor making connections to his/her manual?
- Before an audit is conducted, there is normally an audit preparation phase, where the audit list is made available in IQSMS. Do you assign this preparation task to one person, so that he/she will add the references using the connector on behalf of all manuals' owners? Or is this done by multiple people?
- What is your setup for the audit itself? Is it the auditor on the IQSMS screen and the auditee with the compliance library open on the side?
Many thanks in advance for sharing your experiences, being them good or bad.
Thanks for this Bruno Quadros Rodrigues!
I will reach out to other IQSMS users and send them this way!
Hi Bruno,
I will share our insight:
When the responsible person is making changes in the manual, then he/she has to be compliant with the regulations anyway. Therefore, a compliance connection can be made during the process of changing the manual :)
Me or someone from our compliance team will make connections to the manual only if it is urgent/high priority.
All the best,
Hi Tiina,
Thank you so much for sharing that.
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