Distribution of checklists

Currently we are struggeling with the distribution of our checklists. This is an internal problem but I wanted to ask you guys to maybe get new input or ideas. 

We have different types of helicopters (EC135, BK117) and about 50 license plates. For this we have to assign the checklists (To- and landing, Cabin, Emergency and so on) and various other documents, so that the pilots or the crew respectively, do not have to search through web manuals first. How do your colleagues do it? Do you use tags for this? Does the crew set up their favorites once, so they find their documents quickly? Or have you set up the permissions and categories in such way that the documents can only be searched by different users anyway? 


We would really appreciate your knowledge and experience. :)



Date Votes
  • Hi Kruschat, Alexander Broman Elisabeth

    Do you have any good suggestions for Natalie? :)

  • Hi Nathalie,

    We do not have a similar situation - only 4 different aircraft types and I hope I have understood your question correctly.
    We have one Folder in Webmanuals per type, where the pilots find all documents and checklists connected to their type. (Some documents are distributed in more than one folder if the docs are applicable to more/all types).

    All pilots can see every type's documents if they want, but they know how to easy find their type specific manuals and lists in the folder structure.

    But perhaps you can create a single, simple list of all your Checklists as a webdocument? From this document you can link to respectively master document. This could give a good view of all valid checklists and at the same time make it easy to find the one applicable to your needs?

    Regards Elisabeth Broman, EFS Sweden

  • Hi Elisabeth,

    Sorry for this late response, I did not get a notification that you commented. 

    Thanks so much for the insight, it always helps improving our system and being able to think outside the box.
    The linking from a webdocument to the checklists is a very good idea and I am thinking about doing this :)

    Thank you so much.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Natalie and everyone with the same issue,

    It is always a good idea to sort all documents by tail number. That way a pilot only has to know his registration and go into this category. In it are all documents related to this specific tail number. General documents like the OM-A can also be in here (just use the distribution categories for this). 
    Last but not least, give the pilots only permission to the tail numbers (categories) they are certified to fly. That way they have less stuff to download and the chance that they use the wrong checklist is also lowered.


    Matthias Loesch


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