Reminder: Only for non compliant Users

I think it would make sense to have the option to send reminder for a specific document to non compliant users only. 

Right now I am only aware of the function "Send reminder" under Control --> User Performance in a specific Document.

When I send this reminder, every User that is assigned to the document will receive an Email, with the information to read the document. This causes a lot of confusion. 

It would be a very important improvement for us to have the opportunity to only send reminder to those who did not yet read the document since we need to make sure everyone reads it. But I dont want to send the exemplary users reminders. 


Does this make sense?



Date Votes
  • Great point! I fully support.

  • Hello Natalie, 

    Thank you very much for your post. 

    There is already an improvement ticket about this (MANUALS-5519) and the development team is working on it. 

    We will let you know as soon as we have an update. 


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