Workflow: Notify next reviewers when finished reviewing (in the review mode)

Lately we are experiencing trouble with our workflow process. When the editors pushes his document into the next step of the review and notifies the specific reviewer (with notify reviewer), lately the workflow stops there because the reviewer is not able to notify the next reviewer in the reader mode (where they are supposed to review). Notify reviewers is only possible in the admin mode. 

This is why the next reviewer will not be notified and so the document just sits where it is...


Would it be a possibility to have an option to notify reviewers in the stage of review without changing to the admin mode? If someone accepts or denies pages, he should have the possibility to push or notify the person in charge. Otherwise no one can be notified and take action. 


I hope this makes sense. If not I am more than happy to explain another way. :)



Date Votes
  • Hello Natalie,

    The product and development team is working on a "rework" of the review system, which will make it easier for reviewers and more precise review assignments.

    You will probably hear more about this in future releases. 

    Have a nice day! 

  • Hi Manuela, 

    I hope this finds you well. Are there any updates on the 'rework' for the review system?

  • Hi Steven, 

    The development team is currently working on notifying the Document Owner once the review is done. This new feature is in the testing phase, so it should be released soon!


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