Heading numbering conventions not sequencing properly

I have hard a difficult time having my Heading numbers sequence properly. I had to manually change the numbering aliases throughout the manual because the numbering alias would repeat, not sequence. Suggest a way to set this up within general settings (like a checkbox you can click for "sequence heading aliases." 



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  • Hello andrea,

    Thank you for your post,

    We appreciate the feedback and we do understand your point but the way we have built heading alias is around complete freedom. Meaning that it contains a free text string able to hold any characters. It would be virtually impossible for us to guarantee proper sequencing in all cases. That is why you can use automation or complete control. Another perspective of how heading alias is used is in specific places throughout the manual, so if we had sequencing on, it would not follow the correct numbering. We hope this makes sense 😊

  • Hi andrea,

    If you used a different system, it will take a while to get used to webmanuals, but I'm sure you will love it. It might not have the same functionality but it works well in other ways. 

    Don't do the mistake, trying to compare it with your old manuals. 

    P.S. It is called "alias" because it can be name it how ever you want to and not because it is automated :) 


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