Making Review Comments a bit more useful

Our reviewer made some comments on our manual, but because we rearranged the headings in our manual, it was difficult to determine what section he was commenting on (clicking the review comment simply brought me to the page, not the specific comment.) I suggest there could be a way to highlight the text my reviewer is referencing in his comment when I click his review comment so it's easier to find.

When making review comments, there wasn't a way to go back in and revise my comment -- if I misspelled something or accidentally commented on something and wanted to delete my comment, there was no way to make any of these edits. Suggest being able to edit my own comments or deleting them.

My reviewer requested we input an entire new section into the manual and he had specific formatting he wanted us to use. When making the review comment, the formatting didn't translate. As an editor, it was difficult seeing the structure of the change my reviewer wanted to make.

In conclusion, I'm hoping for 3 things to make my life easier!

1. Highlight the text in the manual that the review comment is referencing when I click the actual review comment.

2. Allow reviewers to edit or delete their OWN review comments (not others).

3. Allow bullets, indents, and other formatting features in the review comments.

Thanks so much!



Date Votes
  • Dear Andrea,

    I've raised that request already during a WebManuals Conference. They might still have the note somewhere.
    Anyway, we're of course strongly supporting this idea!

    Thank you very much for bringing it up here.

    Best Regards

  • Thanks Michel! One other request is to not have the comment pane refresh when saving a page. When I applied a review comment change and then saved the page, the review comment list brought me back to the first comment. It was confusing for me to find out where I had left off. Thanks so much!


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