Code of conduct
Welcome to the Web Manuals Community, this is a place for you to discuss, learn, share and collaborate on multiple topics. We hope that you will enjoy this shared space and we truly appreciate your future contribution.
This space in our Help Center allows you to post and help each other. This includes discussions, user cases, and product ideas.
It is important that you read through these guidelines before posting; all users are expected to be familiar with them and will be held accountable for following them.
Community Code of Conduct
We would like to keep this environment friendly, respectful, and enthusiastic. To maintain that environment we ask you to be respectful and kind to one another, act with good intentions, use good judgment, and assume that others are doing the same. You are responsible for your own actions while participating in this community.
- Read our "how to post" before posting
- Share your knowledge, ideas, and helpful tips
- Feel free to ask for help and help others in return
- Use this safe space to encourage others, especially new users
- Post or link to offensive, illegal or inappropriate content
- Post harassing, threatening, hateful, content or use disrespectful language toward one another
- Provide inaccurate answers, it is better to ask when you don't know
- Post or link to content that violates your or any person’s privacy rights
- Solicit members of the community for commercial purposes, advertisement, or self-promotion.
- For US & Canadian customers: Data processing policies restrict access to your content for non-Americans, please DO NOT share your content such as screenshots with access to your manual's information.
We reserve the right to immediately remove any posts that do not conform to our Community Code of Conduct, without warning. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or bar a user who violates these Community Code of Conduct.
To report behavior or content that violates or is inconsistent with these Community Code of Conduct, please contact us at
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