Custom tab for approvers / verifiers to see specific documents in review
Hi everyone,
As an organization with 400+ readers and several (~80) reviewers, we have a bit of a custom approval process; Peer review (if applicable)->Review -> Verification -> Approval. The editors are the ones who are pushing the workflow to the next step, when they receive a comment 'reviewed / verified / approved' on the cover page. Our problem is, that the documents in review are visible to all the reviewers, even if the step is not applicable to them yet / anymore; for eg. an approver sees around 50 documents on their review page, despite only 5 being verified and waiting for approval.
As a solution, I implemented a custom step for the editors, by creating 3 separate categories for our approvers , and whenever the document is in the approval phase, they need to distribute it to the respective category to which only the approver has access, based on their entity.
The folder is only visible to the approver, by creating a custom 'Reader Page', therefore they see only a few documents that are applicable to them.
The problem is, that this custom page is only available as a reader function, therefore they can only see documents, that were published already, but the ones in the initial issue (draft) not visible (the function is disabled for reviewers to see unpublished documents).
Can we have a sub-user type under Review, and enable only this user type to see unpublished documents? We don't want to add this function to all reviewers...
Is it possible to create a 'reader page', that is actually a custom review page?
Hope my explanation is to too confusing :) If someone has the same issue, or has a great suggestion, please feel free to let me know!
Have a nice weekend!
Hi Vasz
Have you tried working with Document Specific Workflow Security? It allows you to determine who sees what based on Roles instead of categories.
Refer to this post where explain it to another community member: click here.
Hope it helps.
All the best!
Fully agree with Lajos; i encountered Reviewers Reviewing documents they are not supposed to Review. I.e. anyone with Reviewers rights can see / Review all documents that have the Review status. Creating confusion in a small organisation like ours, let alone a bigger one with dozens of Reviewers and or documents.
Is this on the improvement list as MANUALS-6981?
Hi Arthur,
Do you have "Allow reviewers to see unpublished documents" under settings-> reader-> settings enabled?
Hi Bruno,
Yes I have tried, but the editors are not able to select the roles, only the user types..
Hi Lajos, no, i have not. Would that not make the problem worse?
Yes it would make it worse.. I was just wondering what could be the problem :)
Hei Vasz Lajos Attila
To allow the editors to select roles in the document specific workflow, you need to give them access via User Types, option Users & Roles.
The side-effect of doing this is that the editors will also be able to Manage Users and Roles, which opens the gate for inadvertent (or even intentional) screw-ups. I have reported my concerns about this multiple times, but so far, I have no indication that WM will do anything about it. In my opinion, this is the system's weakest point from a content security perspective.
We are also facing the problem mentioned above by Arthur van Eerden, but for the time being we're making an effort to educate the reviewers on if and when they should take action (hard).
I still hope WM will look into this matter and give us solution.
Hi Bruno Quadros Rodrigues
We had that, but the function is a serious security gap... If we give an Editor right to Users & Roles, they can assign themselves as Admin, also revoke my Admin access, and who knows what else is possible.
Exactly, right on target.
Bruno Quadros Rodrigues Arthur van Eerden
Is it only our organization, or does yours also have a rule, that only admins should be able to publish documents? By enabling custom workflow security, I discovered, that an editor can easily do a workaround to get a document published.
In my organisation only admins can publish documents, for a last check to ensure all steps of the process have been followed.
In our organisation, the editor is responsible for publishing his web documents. They have gone through internal editor training, but they don't know much about doc-specific workflow security (so far). In addition, we have sent a communication to our internal and CAA reviewers highlighting that, although they may see multiple documents under Review, they should only review the documents they have been asked to. So far, it has worked for us.
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