Arthur van Eerden
Compliance Monitoring Manager at ADAC HEMS Academy, Hangelaar (NRW), Germany.
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Latest activity by Arthur van Eerden-
Arthur van Eerden commented, Good idea to develop the possibility of a four eyes check on compliance connections, allowing you to check the work of a regulation owner and sign-off on it. Or mark it in WM to be audited (which w...
Arthur van Eerden created a post, Signature List of Effective Pages
Currently any approval document (e.g. from your authority) is linked under "Signature" on the LEP. That is not a logical place to look in my opinion. Why not include a link named "Approval Document...
Arthur van Eerden commented, Great idea, would be very useful to keep track if you have many documents being worked on. Could we also have a button that indicates comments from Reviewers have been received? This removes the ne...
Arthur van Eerden created a post, Compliance Library Filter Drop-Down Menu
When using the Source search function in the drop down menu i the compliance library there is no apparent order in the presentation of the Regulations. It is inconvenient the pop open menu is too s...
Arthur van Eerden commented, In my organisation only admins can publish documents, for a last check to ensure all steps of the process have been followed.
Arthur van Eerden commented, Hi Lajos, no, i have not. Would that not make the problem worse?
Arthur van Eerden commented, Fully agree with Lajos; i encountered Reviewers Reviewing documents they are not supposed to Review. I.e. anyone with Reviewers rights can see / Review all documents that have the Review status. Cr...
Arthur van Eerden commented, When clicking on the link in the e mail notifying me of a change request, the system opens the Reader and shows the document. Why not directly to the editor function so the change can be done immed...
Arthur van Eerden commented, Fully agree with Natalie this is a very useful option. Could we have an automatic e mail reminder sent the moment the document is published? I use the option where i publish documents in advance of...
Arthur van Eerden commented, I like your suggestions Bruno, and indeed it is difficult as an editor to keep track of all Review comments in the various stages of the workflow. The system should help (more) to track and sort al...