How do I change permissions for a role?

Go to the Permissions tab → Look at the roles and the categories, and click on either V or R to allow the user access to the category you want. 


Permissions allow you to configure Roles' access to the documentation, which is distributed across categories. In the permissions grid, the list on the left includes all the categories on your site, while the list on top includes all the Roles. You should click on the intersection between the role and the category to provide access to a category.

View and Reminder

Clicking once will give View access to the role, while clicking twice will enable Reminders for the role.

iScreen_Shoter_-_20221018083007006.jpg   Allows the Role to view the documents in the category.
iScreen_Shoter_-_20221018083132553.jpg   Allows the Role to view the documents in the category and receive notifications when a new revision of a document is published.

that the squares that you have clicked on will remain striped until you click on Update.

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