Announcements will allow Admins and Editors to send small information and updates like notices to their staff.
To add an announcement, click on Users → Announcements → Add in the bottom right corner.
After clicking Add, we see multiple possibilities in announcements, such as title and message.
Customizing which role or user type should receive this message is possible.
It can be linked to a particular document, decide the priority from 1 to 5 and whether this announcement requires acknowledgement.
Once it is saved, it will be visible on the reader site. After clicking on the announcement, it is possible to open and acknowledge the linked manual.
Note: If Editors cannot access Users & Roles, they won’t be able to access announcements.
It is also possible to have an overview of which user has acknowledged the announcement by clicking on User → Announcement → Three dots by the information → User Performance.
If you need more information about this functionality, watch our Release notes.