Setting up your document types

Document Types are a set of settings that apply to all documents of a type. They will determine the design, Workflow and much more!

Add a new Document type

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Document Types.

 ​​​​Click Add, give the Document Type a Name, and click Add again.
You will be taken to the view where you set up the document type's default properties.


Setup the Document type

  1. Set the name of the Document Type.
  2. Toggle if the Document type shall be active (possible to use).
  3. Set whether the document type should be the default.
  4. Set the frequency according to which readers will receive reminders that a new document revision with this document type has been published.
  5. Toggle if the document Check should display warnings if there is an even number of pages in the document.
  6. Toggle if the document Check should display warnings if there is an even number of pages in the chapter.
  7. Toggle if the document Check should display warnings if a chapter starts on an even page.
  8. Toggle if readers can print pages from a document.
  9. Toggle if readers should be able to print pages without watermarks from a document.
  10. Toggle if the document's name should be set using a predetermined format.
  11. Set up a predetermined document name format. There are two available dynamic tags{date} gets replaced with the current date, {number:x} gets replaced with an incremental number, and the x is a number used for setting how many integers the number should consist of. {number:3} turns into 001.
  12. Set the default Layout.
  13. Set the default Design.
  14. Set the default Structure.
  15. set how the page label should be shown.
  16. Set the default page numbering format.
  17. Set the Heading numbering.
  18. Set if the pages outside of a chapter should be numbered
  19. Set whether the document shall be a one-page document.
  20. Toggle if the document shall display changes between revisions.
  21. Set if the document shall be able to handle two languages. If set to Yes, two language fields will appear. 
  22. Set the Workflow.
  23. You can set a specific workflow for this document type.
  24. You can enable Document specific Workflow.

Note: You cannot change settings related to page numbering format, heading numbering, track changes, and workflow once you have created the Document type since they will directly affect any document using the type.

Update an existing Document type.

From the admin interface, go to SystemSettings → ​​​​Document Types.

Click on the name of the Document type you want to update. Updating a Document type will directly affect any document connected to it because this setting related to page numbering format, heading numbering, track changes, and workflow cannot be changed once you have created the Document type.

How to assign a Document Type to a new document

Navigate to the new document view:

  1. Go to the admin interface and select Documents.
  2. Click on Add DocumentWeb Document.

Add new document

  1. Select the Category and the desired Document Type from the drop-down menu saying Document Type.
  2. Fill out the name of the document and give the document a short code if desired.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Document types are not exclusive to Web documents. They need to be assigned to File documents and External documents as well.

How to edit the Document Type of an existing document

Navigate to General Settings:

  1. Open the document to which you want to change the Document Type.
  2. Click on the Settings icon that you find in the upper-left corner of this view → click on General Settings.

Change the document type

  1. Click on the dropdown menu under Document Type.
  2. Select the new Document Type you want to assign to the document. 
  3. Click Save.

Note: Changing the Document Type will put all unpublished pages in Draft and will reset the access editors and reviewers have to the steps of the Workflow. 

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