Reports - Distribute Overview

Distribute Overview shows the documents that have completed the review process and have been recently distributed.

The criteria that documents need to meet to be displayed under Distribute are:

  • Revision date shall not be more than 10 days (if we created a revision 12 Oct and published it 2 weeks later, the manual won't be in Distribute).
  • The category where the document is located shall have Remind option.
  • Users shall have access to the category in which the manual is published.
Below is a description of the items contained in this view:
Document Name of the document.
Last Revision Name of the previous revision of the document.
Revision Date The date of the last revision.
Non-compliant users  The number of users that still need to read the latest revision of the document. 


Clicking on the table header elements allows you to sort the contents of the columns. By clicking on the document, you can open the Control view of the document and see the users that still need to read the latest revision of the document.

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