How to Manage your Page Structure

In this guide, you can find out anything you need to know about structuring your pages in your Web Document.

Find Page Structure under Author

  1. Open the Web document
  2. Click on Author in the Menu​ we call the Life cycle
  3. Click on Page Structure

Add a page

Click on the overflow menu in correspondence a page and click on Add page below in order to add a new page. 

Move a page

Drag and drop the page you would like to move. Release mouse clicks to complete the move.

If you drop a page onto another page, the moved page will become a part of that page’s chapter (background becomes gray). In order to place a page between two pages uses the grey line as an indicator. 

Delete or Archive a page

If a page has been published it cannot be deleted. Instead, it will be marked as archived (it will become red in the Page Structure) and permanently deleted when the revision is published. Unpublished pages will instead be deleted and instantly removed from the Page Structure.


  1. Click on the overflow menu next to the page you want to delete or archive.
  2. Click on the Archive/Delete page.
  3. Confirm by clicking on Ok.

If a page with sub-pages is marked for archiving, then all page's sub-pages will be marked for archiving as well.

Create a new chapter from a page

  1. Click on Add Chapter in the left-bottom corner of the dialog window.
  2. Give the chapter a title and click on Save.

Under Advanced settings, you can make the chapter unnumbered, exclude it from the Table of Contents and change the chapter number. If none of these settings are changed the chapter will be assigned the number according to the consequential order and will be displayed in the Table of Contents. 

Update chapter:

Three dotsUpdate Chapter allows you to change the chapter title and adjust the chapter numbering settings. → Advanced settings allow you to change the numbering of heading levels 0-8.




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