Tags allow the creation of groups of documents in order to highlight their importance and make them more easily accessible.
By clicking on the Add group button you can create a group tag and add sub-tags by indicating the name. You can remove or replace tags by clicking on the trash bin icon.
In this example, I have created a tag named "To read". Keep in mind that this function will work only when a tag is created.
In order to apply a tag to a category, go to Manage Categories, click on the overflow next to the relevant category and click on Edit category. From here you will be able to select which tag you would like to apply and save.
If you would like to apply a tag to a specific document you will need to open it and click on General Settings. Here you will be able to select the relevant tag from the drop-down menu.
Then you will need to go back to the settings and click on Reader -> Pages
Select Dashboard and add the item Tags
Now to make sure tags are visible on the Dashboard, go to the reader mode, in the Dashboard and click on the profile icon -> Settings -> Dashboard -> Tags
After all the actions have been taken, you will see the section Tags in the dashboard on the site and on the EFB. If you open it you will also see all the categories and documents you tagged.