First of all, making a partial revision (sometimes called temporary revision) only works on a manual that has been published at least once.
Create new revision → Click on "Specific pages" next to Include pages → Tick in the boxes next to the pages you want to add to this partial revision and press Save.
Review process:
You only need to review the specific pages on the last step of the workflow and you will be able to publish even if other pages are still in draft. However, if you make changes to pages outside of the chosen specific page interval, you will receive a warning on the review page before publishing " Page changed but not included in revision". If that page is reviewed and pushed forward to the last step, the page changes will become a part of the new revision.
And, if you wish for all changes from any partial revision to be shown in the new revision (i.e. included in revision highlights and with the change bar) in addition to the new changes.
You can achieve this by including changes from the revision that want to be shown with the temporary revision. This is set when setting up the revision.