Web Manuals 2022.6 - 29 June 2022

We are now well into the summer quarter, this means that we have started our summer sprint. This sprint will run until end of August, and leaves our developers with more time to focus on a bit bigger and sometimes more challenging things. In the summersprint we will amongst other things focus on implementing a lot of the great feedback we have received from the world tour.

Release note Highlights

  • We have added new filters to Compliance library, to easier allow finding unconnected or Not applicable requirements.
  • We improved monitors way of updating cross references. Now most links should be able to be updated from monitor


  • Content mirror module - The option for document revisions now is “Next revision†by default, instead of ‘Current’. This will make the mirroring process a lot faster for users who create a lot of mirrors. [MANUALS-6382]

Compliance Libraires

    Added additional filters to a Compliance Library. Now it is possible to filter regulations that do not have any links and regulations that are set as N/A. [MANUALS-6151]

Bug fixes

  • Editor - Fixed issue when updating links from the view Monitor. Now monitor will only ask for an update on the page if the link target is completely removed. [MANUALS-6155]
  • Editor - Fixed issue of automatically adding new paragraphs when adding either heading 7 or heading 8. [MANUALS-6347]
  • PDF - Fixed issue of inconsistently displaying checklists dotted lines in A5 format when using the new PDF generator. [MANUALS-6282]
  • Reviewer - Fixed issue of showing enabled-for-review documents under the document tab. Unpublished documents can now be hidden for reviewers in the documents view. [MANUALS-6266]
  • Forms - We fixed number fields in forms, they now allow for decimal input on the iOS platform. This will cause forms with at least one number field to require "update needed" [EFBIOS-788]
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