We are happy to bring you a good size release that has been built simultaneously with our large projects here in November.Highlights this release:
- The ability to move sections up and down between pages.
- The wrench will no longer give up when encountering links that can not be fixed.
- Announcements release
- Editor - Possibility to move sections to previous and next page with "Move up" and "Move down" options. This gives the editor the ability to move text sections between pages with the Move up and down options, for a smoother way of transitioning content in the document. [MANUALS-6677]
- Editor - Continue fixing following cross references even after encountering a broken cross reference (to no longer existing heading for example). This means that the Editor will no longer experience that the wrench function gives up on fixing cross references. Now if a link is unfixable, it will leave it, and continue fixing everything else.[MANUALS-6615]
- Menu - Returned "Email archive" to the new menu. Site admins will once more be able to see email archive, and get an overview of what has been sent out. [MANUALS-6745]
- Announcements - New announcement system available. This is the release of a brand new feature. Announcements will allow Editors and Admins to send small information updates like notices to their staff. The announcements will show up on the dashboard with an urgency indicator, a color code for urgency and can be set to require active acknowledgment from the reader - like active checkout. [MANUALS-4374]
- Performance - Applied several fixes to improve performance and increase security
Bug Fixes:
- Editor - Fixed spellcheck not working on sentences with abbreviations. - Now the spellchecker will also do it's work even if an abbreviation exists on the content line. [MANUALS-6499]
- Editor - Changed the text of "Disable review" button to include "notify reviewers" - Now it will be clear that the editor can still notify reviewers without having to disable the review first. [MANUALS-6665]
- Editor - Fixed document specific workflow settings does not apply after saving. - Now the editor is able to make changes to the documents workflow changes and it also reflect those changes after saving. [MANUALS-6587]
- Editor - Fixed revision summary module comment field not displaying full comment when a ',' is added. [MANUALS-6704]
- Editor - Inactive users are hidden from user performance. Now it is easier to get an overview of how the active users are performing at reading their manuals, without those pesky inactive users taking up all the space. [MANUALS-6046]
- Editor - Fixed saving cross reference with new heading number not removing the old cross reference. Now a cross reference will save the new connection it is pointed to and also remove the old one. This will avoid a lot of faulty connections. [MANUALS-6608]
- Editor - Fixed renaming chapter drafts the first page of each chapter. Now the pages should stay in their workflow step if they are not directly changed. [MANUALS-6747]
- Forms - Fixed uploading some files with specific file extensions not saving file correctly. Now the files uploaded via forms will keep their original extension. [MANUALS-6356]
- Email - Fixed impossible to save email templates with no "Send every". [MANUALS-6725]
- Email - Fixed Thai document name encoded wrong in email template. - Now emails with documents in Thai will occur correctly when sent out. [MANUALS-5865]
- Template - Fixed template sections update based on parent section position. Now the child document can have new text sections on the page and only the correct text sections will be overwritten with information from the parent upon syncing. [MANUALS-6737]