- Download all documents of a category
- Shortcut from the navigation bar
- Annotations & Comments
- Multiple documents opened at the same time
- Dark Mode
Download all documents of a category
In this new app version, it is possible to download all manuals of one category by remaining pressed on the category. Then a pop-up window will show “Do you want to download … documents”, Click on Yes.
This will make it easier and faster to download documents before a flight.
Shortcut from the navigation bar
To enhance the navigation quality, you can now create shortcuts from the navigation bars and have them on the side of your screen for easy access.
For example, if you mostly use the Next button, you can press the icon to move it to the side of your document, creating a shortcut on the right side of your manual. You can add multiple shortcuts on the right or left side of your document depending on which buttons you use most and the position of your thumbs.
To remove them, drag and drop the shortcut to the bottom of your page until it becomes red.
Annotations & Comments
You can add highlights, annotations, and comments by pressing a word or selecting a sentence in your manual.
You will find all your annotations if you click on the button in the bottom left corner. Every annotation shows the colored highlight applied to the text, the contents of the annotation, and the text that the annotation refers to. Annotations can be sorted by page or by color.
You can open the page where the annotation was made by clicking on an annotation.
Multiple documents opened at the same time
It is now possible to have multiple manuals open and navigate from one document to another. Tabs will be available in the blue bar next to Dashboard. Then, when you want to close one manual from the blue menu, you need to slide down the tab where the manual name is written down.
Dark Mode
With this new app, you can decide the light theme of your screen: System, Light, and Dark.
Click on your profile in the top right corner --> Appearance.
System will pick up the appearance theme of your iPad (Light or Dark). You can change this by going to the settings of your iPad --> Display & Brightness --> Under Appearance, pick Light or Dark.
Light theme is white and blue and shows the regular colors of your manuals
Dark theme will have a dark grey background for your manuals with light grey text. This functionality will be handy when using the EFB at night.