Overview of the Application Settings in the NEW Reader App

This article will look at the Application Settings of the new Reader App.

To access the Application Settings, Click on the Profile icon in the top right corner and Application Settings:

iScreen Shoter - Preview - 240924100757.jpg

iScreen Shoter - Preview - 240924101003.jpg

1. Device name

You can set up the name of the device that will be reflected in the Device tab on the Web.

2. Automatically update documents

You can decide if all downloaded documents will be updated or only Operationally Critical.

3. Online

You can pick if the app can use Wifi and cellular connections or only Wifi on this device. 
Note: If your Admins removed the possibility for users from using cellular connections, you wouldn't see this option.

4. Device Application Data Settings

This option will wipe all stored data on the device (downloaded documents, highlights...) and bring you back to the login page. It also gives you the possibility to remove the offline passcode that was set.

5. Device General Settings

Clicking on Toggle Shortcuts will show the toggle on the left side of your screen, which helps you navigate from one category to another. You can remove it by clicking again on "Toggle Shortcuts."

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