Web Manuals Release notes 2023.5.0

We are happy to share the May release notes
Release date: 31-05-2023
Currently, we are working on:
  • Android Reader app
  • Site sharing - It will happen soon
  • Word import Wizard
  • CK editor updates
Highlights this release:
  • Now an editor can click a link in the compliance library, go to the manual and return to the same spot in the compliance library afterwards.
  • The compliance list will no longer jump to a different location when expanding or collapsing compliance requirements.
  • Files submitted via forms will now have correct extensions
The changes of this release:Admin/Editor:
  • Compliance libraries - Remember location when returning to the library and checklists. Now an editor can click a link in the compliance library, go to the manual and return to the exact same spot in the compliance library after. [MANUALS-6824]
  • Document settings - Now reviewers can also be set as document owners. This means that the internal department owners can now be set as document owners as well. [MANUALS-6959]
Bug fixes:
  • Reader - Fixed number badge missing for review menu item in reader dashboard. Now it will be clear for reviewers that there are actual documents to review for them. [MANUALS-6023]
  • Reader - Fixed number badge missing after refreshing from manual view. Now the unread badge will be properly maintained and not appear as all documents have been read. [MANUALS-6664]
  • Editor - Fixed creating a compliance connection when the "no responsible person" option is selected fails. Now a compliance connection can once again be created even if no responsible person is selected. [MANUALS-7071]
  • Editor - Fixed positions for sections on from page when moving sections around. Now internal section numbers are updated internally when moved. This will allow us to avoid false revision bars when moving sections. [MANUALS-6977]
  • Editor/Design - Fixed design heading font color takes priority over connection warning. This means that even if the headings have a color set to them in the design, the red warning color from the compliance library will always take effect and be visible. [MANUALS-7079]
  • Admin - Fixed manuals with no reminders would display as "Not checked out" under the user's assigned document. Now a document will not have the choice for check out not needed in the overflow menu anymore. [MANUALS-7081]
  • Compliance library - Fixed issue with the scroll jumping away when expand/collapse. Now it will no longer feel like the compliance list jumps to a random place when expanding a requirement. Also the scrolling experience has been improved. [MANUALS-6169]
  • Admin - Fixed swapping user type blocked between admin/editor or reader/reviewer when limit reached for the user type. Now users can once again be changed out when one needs to replace the other, even if the user limit has been reached. [MANUALS-6902]
  • Admin - Fixed log in to EFB is not possible after deleting the category defined as OpCritical for the user role. Now, warning gateways are set in place to assist an admin or editor who is about to delete a category that is marked as operational critical. [MANUALS-7092]
  • PDF Generator - Fixed pages without layout fails pdf export. Now even if a page has no layout defined, the PDF generator will still deliver a PDF file. Pages without a layout defined will be generated from the site's default layout. [MANUALS-7121]
  • Form attachments - Fixed form attachment files downloading without extension. Now files uploaded via the form will have a proper extension when downloaded from the registry in all cases. [MANUALS-6942]
  • Admin/settings - Fixed  "Allow only requirement owners to manage connections" box is duplicated in Compliance Libraries Settings. Now admins will only be able to make the choice once as intended. [MANUALS-7094]
Reader App:
  • Fixed issue with the heading numbers in the EFB diff dialogs (both old and new app)
  • Fixed issue with some file documents not downloading correctly
  • Fixed issue with default logo
  • Announcements now supports images
  • Added support for Azure MSAL login support
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