The Christmas sprint is over!
We are moving back to 14 day sprints now, and the regular monthly release.
We are currently focusing a lot of resources on the Word import improvements and the new EFB app, for which there are a lot of improvements happening on our side. Highlights this release:
We are moving back to 14 day sprints now, and the regular monthly release.
We are currently focusing a lot of resources on the Word import improvements and the new EFB app, for which there are a lot of improvements happening on our side. Highlights this release:
- Autodraft on Search and Replace
- More date options
- Child documents will no longer get text sections in wrong order
- Role and user lists will load faster
- Compliance - Added tooltip to manual names in compliance page. - Now manuals with long names connected to compliance requirements can be moused over to see the complete name. [MANUALS-6591]
- Editor - Changed default ToC number of lines from 20 to 30. This will make the creation of a new document and setting up TOC structures much faster for most editors. [MANUALS-6590]
- Editor - Search and Replace - Added possibility to draft page and replace. Now editors can replace content on pages that are not in draft, by auto drafting them. [MANUALS-6758]
- Editor - Now check for warnings remember filter settings. This will make checking for warnings a lot easier, as returning to the warnings will no longer require the filters to be applied again. [MANUALS-6791]
- Editor - Page Structure - Disabled add and remove page shortcuts in page structure panel while page has unsaved changes. Now you will no longer be able to have pages with unsaved changes as well as adding new pages to the structure at the same time. [MANUALS-6593]
- Settings - Added date option with space separator. Now we have more options for the date display. [MANUALS-6678]
Bug fixes:
- Editor - Fixed drafting a page with span class=scayt-misspell-word causes missing text sections. Now the spellchecker should no longer cause text sections to disappear. [MANUALS-6389]
- Editor - Template - Fixed template/sync position to maintain parent order. Now Child documents with their own text sections will not lose the structure of the text sections upon synchronizing. [MANUALS-6805]
- Editor - Fixed when moving section up/down to a new page, cannot merge sections. Now you do not have to save before you can merge text sections after moving them from one page to another. [MANUALS-6815]
- Menu - Fixed admin user fields displaying null null when firstname and lastname are empty [MANUALS-6814]
- Roles - Fixed performance issues when there is long list of users for roles/assign users and manage users/roles. Now role and user lists will load remarkably faster. [MANUALS-6750]
- Reader - Fixed reader link with heading from email opens first page of the manual instead of heading location [MANUALS-6855]
Hotfix 2023.1.1 - Release date 08-02-2022
- Editor - Fixed check warnings panel listing warnings even after fixing them all [MANUALS-6886]
Editor - Push Notifications for iOS and Android [WMEFB-149]
Editor - Disabled Send very, escalation role and recipient in compliance connection notification email template [MANUALS-6887]
- Editor - Fixed check warnings panel listing warnings even after fixing them all [MANUALS-6886]