- Introduce Definition functionality to CKEditor. This is a function like abbreviations. In the definitions list definitions can be set up, they can be listed in the new definitions module, and existing definitions can easily be applied to text with the new CKeditor button. Readers can easily access a term’s definition by hovering a mouse on it [MANUALS-5758].
- Added Ukrainian option for secondary locale [MANUALS-5784].
- Added sort option to cross reference module [MANUALS-5046].
- Added heading level as default when creating a new document type [MANUALS-5741].
- Readers are now able to quote text while making comments [MANUALS-5735].
- The Definition Library is now available. Definitions can now be applied to the customer site, similar as to abbreviations [MANUALS-5758].
- Review mode - Disable reject button for reviewers when a page is in draft or final approval [MANUALS-5538].
- Manage users - Added back assigned documents for a user. Now, assigned documents will correctly show a list of assigned documents [MANUALS-5697]
Bug fixes
- Editor - Fixed issue of content mirrors not retaining order of modules in destination documents. Now a mirror module is internally connected to the text section, instead of relying on a specific location [MANUALS-5674].
- Editor - Fix issue to get latest published documents in Reader's Dashboard [MANUALS-5833].
- Editor - Fixed issue to prevent pages from crashing when scrolling down to reach out pages [MANUALS-5574].
- Editor - Fixed dates backing up one day upon saving in the Revision Archive dialog and Time limited icon not switching off properly in the Manage Documents [MANUALS-5633].
- Editor - Fixed search text staying highlighted after replacing it with another one [MANUALS-5756].
- Editor - Fixed issue to display revision bar in proper position for a table [MANUALS-5575].
- Editor - Skip not-applicable sub-requirements when making compliance connections. Now connections will still be created even if one is set to not applicable [MANUALS-5535].
- Increased performance for abbreviations module.
- Review - Enabled review mode only if "available for review" is ticked for manual. Now editors will no longer mistakenly think that the document can be reviewed [MANUALS-5520].
- Reader - Added meaningful error messages for forms [MANUALS-5732].
- Compliance - Fixed case sensitive searches for requirement numbers in Requirement Checklist [MANUALS-5796].
- Compliance - Fixed issue of being unable to save too large data when editing an independently managed revision [MANUALS-5694].
- Compliance - Now the error message "Data for requirement was not found" will be displayed appropriately in the Amendment dialog [MANUALS-5453].
- Compliance - Not up-to-date requirements will be marked in red in dark mode. They will no longer be marked with strike out [MANUALS-5744].
- Compliance Amendments - It is now possible to delete connections from a requirement even if the requirement data couldn't be fetched.
- Admin - Enabled multiple registration for forms by default and added verification for specific fields [MANUALS-5732].
- Super admin - The system will no longer remove comments and abbreviations from unpublished pages while restoring the pages [MANUALS-5841].
Bonus Info
- We have investigated issues with hiding archived pages in a template child document, all seems to be running smoothly [MANUALS-5414].
- We have almost completed the EFB bridge version that will enable the current app to run the functionalities from version 7 (Including forms) and the "tags" function from version 8. Within a week we expect to run a short beta, and as soon as we have positive feedback we will launch the update.